GA Foods & Loop Village partner to address social isolation in senior populations.

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GA Foods is thrilled to announce our partnership with Loop Village, offering an online virtual community for seniors to address social isolation. Studies have linked social isolation and loneliness in older adult populations to cognitive decline, poor mental health, and an increased risk of heart disease. Social medicine programs can play a vital role in supporting the healthy aging process holistically.

GA Foods is excited to be able to offer an innovative program to complement our medically tailored meal delivery service that further supports healthy aging at home. Loop classes aim to stimulate social, mental, and physical activity, provide companionship, and promote overall health and well-being. Members who have access to Loop’s live virtual platform can engage in a variety of dynamic events throughout the day, seven days a week!

Virtual classes offered on the Loop Village platform include:

Meditation & Breathwork: Studies have linked meditation and breathwork to improved sleep, reduced memory loss, and enhanced immune function.

Yoga, Tai Chi, Balance & Strength Training:
Specific exercise classes catering to older adults can help to increase energy levels, improve balance and flexibility.

Tech Time: Each week the instructor will cover a specific technical topic. Loop members can come to class with specific technical questions they would like to have answered, as well.

Live Music: Live music can boost mood, fight depression, enhance creativity, and ease pain.

World Tours: Each week Loop members can travel to a new famous international city. Virtual tours include a historical background of the region.

Nutrition Education:
Trained professionals help Loop members design sustainable nutrition plans to meet their unique needs, discuss food as medicine, and the positive impact that healthy eating has on the aging process. Participants can also come to class with specific topics that they would like to cover.

Cooking Class: Seniors can engage in virtual cooking classes to learn how to make different, healthy, recipes from the comfort of their homes.

Loop Café: This is a time for seniors to meet and share a meal together, laugh, and discuss whatever may be on their mind that day.

If you have interest in offering this program to your members, please reach out to for more details.